Welcome to our new website!

The Cooley’s Anemia Foundation is pleased to launch its newly-designed website.

Over the past decade, the CAF website has become one of our most valuable tools for communciating information to the thalassemia community. We put so much information on our website that we needed a new design in order to organize it in a more user-friendly fashion.

The menus and drop-down menus that we have in this new site should make it easier for you to get around and to find what you’re looking for. Whether you’re a person whose child has just been diagnosed with thalassemia, a person who has been living with thalassemia for many years, a CAF supporter, a medical professional, or just someone who is curious about thalassemia, we have something for you.

Take some time looking over and getting to know our site – and let us know what you think!

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