Thalassemia Donors

Thalassemia Donors

Sending lots of appreciation to all of the thalassemia donors throughout the years and ongoing!

We’d like to thank all of the Thalassemia Donors for your support of the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation. You and others like you who make a donation to the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation are making a huge difference in the lives of all those living with thalassemia. With Thalassemia Donors like you, we have brought about tremendous changes. Thank you for your generosity and your caring.

Other Ways to Give

We couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers and donors. Together, we’re making a difference – and you can, too. There are countless ways you can help us lead the fight against thalassemia.

  • Legacy Gifts – FreeWill and CAF Legacy Society
  • Amazon Smile
  • Gifts of Real Estate or other Personal Property
  • Insurance Beneficiary Designation
  • Gifts of stock or other securities
  • IRA Charitable Rollover
  • Memorial Gifts
  • Trusts and Annuities
  • Endowed Gifts

For further information, please contact:

Cooley’s Anemia Foundation
Craig Butler, National Executive Director
330 7th Ave Ste 200
New York, NY 10001
(212) 279-8090 x201

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