Giving Tuesday Story: Reaching for the Stars

Getting a PhD is hard, but getting a PhD while dealing with thalassemia is even harder.



Anish didn’t let that stop him from earning his PhD – or from achieving any of his other dreams!

It’s really amazing. Getting any kind of PhD is a challenge, but Anish’s comes from one of the best schools in the whole country. And since graduation, Anish’s career has gone from one incredible opportunity to another.

Sure, a big part of it has to do with how smart and determined he is. He also has enthusiasm and a real love of life. But Anish puts a lot of credit for his success elsewhere.

“From an early age, my family was there to encourage me to do my very best,” Anish says. “And part of their support included making sure I had access to the kind of expert care that every person with thalassemia needs.”

GTReachHelping families. Pushing for expert care for all with thalassemia. That’s what the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation is all about.

Anish’s accomplishments are amazing; we want all thalassemia patients to be able to reach their full potential . Your support today helps us get closer to that goal!

On behalf of Anish and thalassemia patients across the country, thank you! Our work would not be possible without you.

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