CAF Will Sponsor Three Patients to Attend the TIF Workshop in Germany

June 18, 2019 – The Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) in collaboration with the Seltene Anaemien Deutschland (SAM), has undertaken the organization of a two-day workshop on Thalassaemia in Hamburg, Germany. The workshop will take place on 11-13 October 2019.

The workshop will focus on developing the skills and abilities of adult patients with thalassemia, aiming at empowering their knowledge to become productive and valuable partners of the medical community and national health authorities. There will be 100 patients from different countries around the world who will be able to contribute constructively to shaping health policies at national level through their actions at national level and with the knowledge they will derive from the Workshop, which will directly or indirectly help to improve the quality of life of patients.

The Cooley’s Anemia Foundation is pleased to make available a limited amount of funding for up to 3 adult thalassemia patients (18 and older) to cover the costs associated with traveling to and attending the Conference. These 3 individuals will have their hotel rooms paid for by TIF. Individuals interested in applying for this support should fill out the form which can be downloaded here and return to (or fax to 212-279-5999) by June 27, 2019. Please note that submission of this application form does not guarantee funding.  
A draft agenda for the workshop can be accessed here.

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