CAF Announces New “Push-Ups to Fight Thalassemia” Challenge

November 26, 2018 – The Cooley’s Anemia Foundation (CAF) is thrilled to announce a brand new initiative – the “Push-Ups to Fight Thalassemia Challenge.”

Thanksgiving is over, but further feast-filled holidays are still ahead. The end of the year brings about wonderful opportunities to spend time with loved ones and friends – but all that delicious food leads many to make a New Year’s vow to exercise more and get back in shape. The Push-Ups to Fight Thalassemia Challenge gives a person even more motivation to keep that vow!

And not only does this encourage people to stay physically fit, it enables them to help people living with thalassemia at the same time!  Our goal is to raise awareness and the funds needed to help our patients.

Here’s How It Works:

  1.  Register for the Challenge and set up a fundraising page.
  1. On January 1, 2019, do a set of push-ups – however many you can do without straining yourself. (This is your baseline.) Use good form.
  1. Make a goal for yourself of how many push-ups you would like to be able to do by February 9, 2019. (This is your goal. It’s good to check with a doctor about your goal.)
  1. Send your fund-raising page to family, friends, colleagues, etc. and ask them to sponsor you. Let them know how many push-ups are your goal and suggest they donate a specific amount based on that. (For example, if 20 push-ups is your goal, $1 per push-up = $20, $5 per push-up = $100, etc.) As an alternative, ask them to join you in this challenge as well, you can raise the funds as a team, and have a cumulative push up total.
  1.  Create a calendar and keep track of the progress you make as you move toward your goal. (Be careful not to overdo; you can’t stay fit if you strain something in the process!)
  1. Let your supporters know how you are doing. Send email updates or post videos or photos on social media showing your progress. (Use #PushUpsThal to help others find the videos and photos.)
  1. On February 9, see if you can reach your goal. Be sure to make a video or take a picture and post it on social media (#PushUpsThal) to celebrate your accomplishment.
  1. Make sure CAF has your video or photo as well; we’ll be giving our special acknowledgement to the most creative videos/photos (for example, push-ups in the most unusual location, push-ups in creative costumes, etc.)
  1. Feel good about all the hard work you have done – and about how all that effort is helping people live with the blood disorder thalassemia!

Ready to get started?  Click here to register for the Challenge!

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