TIF Announces Photography Contest

February 2, 2015 – Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF has announced its 2nd International Photography Contest 2015, which is launched with the aim of creating awareness about thalassemia, in the context of the International Thalassemia Day (May 8).

Participation in this contest is open for all ages, and all countries across the world.

The deadline for the competition is Tuesday, 31 March 2015.

The subject of this drawing contest is based on this year’s theme for the 22nd International Thalassaemia Day , which is “Enhancing partnership towards patient-centred health systems: good health adds life to years!”

The prizes granted by Thalassaemia International Federation for this competition are the following:
The first winner – $ 500,
The second winner – $ 300
The third winner – $ 100
All others will be given a certificate of participation.


Submissions should be sent to thalassaemia-lp@thalassaemia.org.cy with the name and surname of the participant as well as the title of the photography contest in the subject of the email. For further clarifications, please contact Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) at thalassaemia-lp@thalassaemia.org.cy or 00357 22 319 129

Click here for the Terms and Conditions of this contest.
Click here for the FAQ section.
More information is available on the TIF website!

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