Suffolk Chapter Update

April 28, 2010 – CAF’s Suffolk chapter sent the following update on activities:

On April 12, 2010 we had our annual Bowling Night. Last year’s Honoree, John Giaquinto, owns a bowling alley and gave it to Cooley’s anemia for the evening. He also provided all the beverages. The Watral family provided the food. Lanes were sold for $1,000 each. This is a fun evening and families are encouraged. The Foundation netted $16,000 at this event. Pictures are below.

On May 3, 2010 we will have our annual Wine Tasting. Tom and Ginny Watral open their home to 60 people, each donating $250 to sample premier wines and food to compliment the wines. This year Tom and Ginny will feature wines from their vineyard in Napa Valley. This is a highlight of the year. Pictures from last year’s event are below.

To contact the Suffolk office, call (631) 863-0532 or email

Watral family
The Watral Family (2010 Bowling Night) Giaquinto Family and Pat Vecchio (on right) (2010 Bowling Night)
Tantillo Family 2010 SDD Honoree
The Tantillo Family (2010 Bowling Night) 2010 Suffolk Dinner Dance Honoree Jame Haugland (right) with wife Valerie and son Andrew (2010 Bowling Night)
Good wine and conversation Chef Stuart Allan prepares
Good wine and conversation (2009 Wine Tasting) Chef Stuart Allan prepares the delicious food (2009 Wine Tasting)

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