Suffolk Chapter Car Wash a Hit

August 14, 2015 – The Suffolk chapter held a successful car wash fundraiser on August 1. Following is the chapter’s report on this well-attended event.

CarWash7LRCongratulations to Mike & Sarah Connolly! They put together an award winning car wash that raised $838.

This is the first car wash the Suffolk Chapter has had in almost 20 years. Fire hoses were donated by the Williston Park Fire Department. Mike & Sarah had over 25 friends volunteer to assist in washing cars.

Many long time members of the Foundation attended to have their car washed and lend moral support. Jake Radonis and a friend were with Tom Rottolo and Benny Jacobellis curbside urging drivers to get the DeLux wash for only $6. Janice Paradiso Cenzoprano, Nunzio Cazzetta and Jenine Giordano Abruzzo cheered the volunteers on. Keith Radonis and Mike were busy with the volunteers and some of the children washing cars and each other at times. The cheerleaders sat under canopies provided by Sarah and Sharon Radonis munching cookies baked by Carol Jacobellis.

CarWash1LRThe day was hot, but everyone had a good time for a good cause. Team Zayna continues to march on!

Special thanks to: Mike & Sarah Connolly; Keith, Sharon & Jake Radonis; Sandy Gilbert, Robert, Marie, Joseph & Angelina Scala; Ben & Carol Jacobellis; Ashley, Makayla, Shawn & Casey Collins; Dan Ciacco; Tom Rottolo; Reena Iyer; Hussain, Noor & Ali Baqueri; Janice Paradiso Cenzoprano; Nunzio Cazzetta; Jenine Giordano Abruzzo; Kay & Toby Valino; Sean Nez; Adele Connolly; Robert, Kelly & Matti Spielmann; Billy Batterson and the Williston Park Fire Department and the American Legion Hall in Williston Park.


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