Reports Look at Health Insurance Exchanges

January 13, 2010 – Two recent publications take a look at health insurance exchanges, which are a key feature of the federal Affordable Care act.

California’s Insurance Exchange: Experts Tackle the Big Question (California HealthCare Foundation) is a report on an October 21, 2010 panel that discusses the path that California has chosen in establishing the first of the state insurance exchanges that will “reflect new opportunities and obligations established by the federal reforms.” The 12-page report can be downloaded by clicking here.

Who Are the Uninsured Eligible for Premium Subsidies in the Health Insurance Exchanges? (Center for Studying Health System Change) is an 8-page report that looks at the segment of the population that is uninsured and will be eligible for premium subsidies (e.g., people with family incomes between 138% and 400% of the poverty level). The report can be downloaded by clicking here.

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