Mark It: April 8 is 2011 Cigar Smoker

March 4, 2011 – Have a red pen handy? Take it and circle April 8 on your calendar, for that is the Red Letter Date for CAF’s 2011 Cigar Smoker!


Those who have been to the Cigar Smoker before have probably stopped reading this; they’re busy securing a place at this year’s event, and with good reason: Nothing is quite like the annual Cigar Smoker.


First, it’s held at the Grand Havana Room (666 Fifth Avenue, New York City), a venue for which the word “glorious” doesn’t begin to do justice. Upon entering the lobby of 666 Fifth Avenue, one is greeted by an exquisite ceiling sculpture and waterfall designed by the famous Isamu Noguchi. And the actual quarters of the Grand Havana Room are equally impressive, covering 17,000 square feet and offering an aerial view of New York that is simply smashing.

Second, there’s the food. Mouth-watering. A true culinary delight. And the cocktail hour preceding dinner simply cannot be beat.

Then there are the cigars, a choice selection and a primary reason that access to the Grand Havana Room is such a sought-after prize.

Of course, the Cigar Smoker wouldn’t be complete without a special guest of honor, and this year the Foundation is enormously fortunate to be recognizing Mr. Michael Pouchie, Chief Operating Officer of National Distribution Alliance (NDA). One of the Northeast’s leading distributors of publications in every consumer, business and ethnic category, NDA is also the foremost independent distributor of leading major newspapers and magazines. CAF is fortunate and thankful that Mr. Pouchie is using his considerable skills and talents to aid in the fight against thalassemia.

Finally, attending the Cigar Smoker is providing a big helping hand in the fight against thalassemia. This event is one of the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation’s most important fund raisers and is a significant source of the funding that allows us to seek out important medical research, provide valuable patient services and spread information about thalassemia.

The Cigar Smoker, which is once again chaired by the indefatigable and supremely dedicated Frank Fusaro, starts on April 8 with cocktails at 6:00 and dinner at 7:00. Tickets are $400, of which $250 is tax deductible.

You can download an invitation by clicking here and information on sponsorship opportunities and journal ads by clicking here, or you can call (631) 863-0532 for more information.

2011 Cigar Smoker Committee

Our special thanks to this year’s Committee for their tireless efforts:

Frank Fusaro, General Chairman
John Boden
Amy Celento
Don Chiapetta
Peter Chieco
Louis D’Agostino
Robert Ficarra
Dean Hernan
Anthony Laurino
Mark Lerner
Frank Marzano
Tom Milana
Ronald Purpora

Anthony Viola


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