Contact Senators To Express Your Feelings on Health Care Bill
July 12, 2017 – The Senate is poised to take up discussion on the Better Care Reconciliation Act, which is intended to replace the Affordable Care Act. We encourage members of the thalassemia community to contact their U.S. Senators and express their views on this legislation, which has the potential to have a profound impact on many people with thalassemia. Calling your senator’s office is likely to have the biggest impact; however, if you cannot call, sending a postal letter or an email is also very helpful.
If you do not know who your Senator is or need their contact information, you can get that by calling the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121 or by visiting
A letter that CAF wrote to the Senate can be found at this link, if you would like to use some language from this letter in your communications. (Your views on the Act may differ from those presented in the letter; that’s okay. You should still contact your Senators and let them know what you think.)
Of potentially special concern to people with thalassemia is language in the bill which would affect existing protections to those with pre-existing conditions, as well as concerns over how the legislation might affect individuals with chronic illness whose care requires substantial cost outlays for proper management.