Care Walk Resources

Use the following resources to help you organize your 2019 Care Walk.

Create Your Team Page

Register your team by visiting or by clicking the button below. You will then be able to manage your own Care Walk page, add your story and photos, and invite others to join your team.

Fundraising Guide for Captains

Use the fundraising guide linked below to learn how you can get started on organizing a fun and successful Care Walk.

Fundraising Guide for Care Walk 2019

Captain Brochure

Use the checklist in the following brochure to help you keep track of your Care Walk planning.

Captain Brochure for Care Walk 2019

Sponsorship Packages

Provide potential sponsors with the Sponsorship Packages list linked below to provide them with the list of the great perks that come with sponsoring Care Walk 2019.

Sponsorship Levels for Care Walk 2019

CAF 501-c(3) IRS Determination Letter and W-9 Form

Use the following IRS tax-exemption letter and W-9 form in the case that these items are requested by sponsors or event hosts such as the parks department.

Downloadable PDF – IRS Determination Letter

Downloadable PDF – W-9 Form

Event Flyer Template

Use the following flyer template to advertise your Care Walk. Just fill in the spaces with the location and time of your Care Walk, as well as your email address for people who might have questions.

Then print copies and distribute to your friends, neighbors, family members, and coworkers, and at church, school, local businesses, and work. The more people you invite to attend and support your Care Walk, the more awareness and funds you will raise!

Flyer for Care Walk 2019 – Editable

Facebook Live Sessions

We will be periodically hosting Captain Q&A Sessions on Facebook Live, during which we will interview experienced captains on how they execute successful Care Walks.

During our first session on January 9, CAF Board Member Janice Cenzoprano interviewed Lisa and Joe Vigliotti, captains of Team AJ, about how they execute their very successful Care Walk, from managing volunteers and securing sponsors, to doing a “Can Shake” fundraiser at their local grocery store. View the recording of the interview at the following link:

The next Q&A Session will take place on January 23 (Time TBA), so be sure like and follow our Facebook page to stay updated at See you then!

Register Your Team

Now that you have some tools for a successful Care Walk, head over to our official Care Walk page and get started by creating your team. Click on the blue button below to get started!

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