Cooley’s Anemia Foundation Holds 2019 Annual Board Meeting

From left: CAF National Volunteer President Peter Chieco; Cindy Morrison; CAF National Executive Director Craig Butler

April 30, 2019 – On Saturday, April 27, 2019, the National Board of Directors of Cooley’s Anemia Foundation held its Annual Meeting in New York City.  In addition to regular Board of Directors business items – Auditor’s report, President’s report, Treasurer’s report, Committee reports, Chapter updates, National Staff reports, and the Thalassemia International Federation report – the full-day event was notable for several reasons.

Three new proposals were unanimously approved by the Board.  These included a new Gift Acceptance Policies document, the initiation of an Endowment, and the establishment of Funding Support for International Projects.

But the highlight of the meeting was a special presentation by Cindy Morrison entitled, “Perspectives on Thalassemia in China Including Adoption and Family Preservation.”   Ms. Morrison has gained incredible expertise in her frequent trips to China, particularly the Guangxi Province.  She has a unique perspective on the issue of thalassemia in China through her role as a pediatric occupational therapy nurse, as the mother of five adopted Chinese children (two of whom have thalassemia), and as the founder of a non-profit – Knowing Hope – dedicated to bringing services to thalassemic patients and families in China. 

Ms. Morrison gave a graphic presentation, complete with photographic evidence of the condition of children with thalassemia in orphanages and clinics who do not have the same level of therapeutic intervention as patients in other parts of the world, particularly the United States, resulting in their deaths by age seven or eight. Adoption of these children, literally saves their lives.

After Ms. Morrison spoke, Cooley’s Anemia Foundation National Board President, Peter Chieco, presented her with the President’s Award – a discretionary honor reserved for those who make significant contributions toward the Foundation’s goal of providing “longer and healthier lives for all patients with thalassemia until a universal cure is found.”

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